Umbre Lamp
Manually turned/milled aluminium base, pipe, and knob. Large FDM 3D printed shade in clear PETG filament. Thank you to Zane Roshe for helping me with 3D printing and assembly.
Manually turned/milled aluminium base, pipe, and knob. Large FDM 3D printed shade in clear PETG filament. Thank you to Zane Roshe for helping me with 3D printing and assembly.
For my Metals II final, I turned and milled the three pieces needed to create this lamp. I wanted to create a lamp that was simple yet had an element of interest. In many other lamps I had researched, there was a small knob at the top that only functioned as a way to secure the shade onto the base. I decided that by giving this knob on/off function, the lamp could become nearly monolithic with no obvious buttons or switches. As for the shade, I initially wanted to use vacuum forming to create a smooth plastic shape. But I changed my mind when I began looking into large scale 3D printing. I modeled a shade inspired by my initial concept of a smooth dome silhouette, but added wall thickness variations and grooves to take advantage of the printing capabilities.